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Popularity : 129         Updated Date : 2024/07/26
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belongs : グラフィックデザイナー
Popularity : 51         Updated Date : 2023/07/29
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Popularity : 15         Updated Date : 2016/06/20
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Popularity : 12         Updated Date : 2024/06/29
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belongs : 横浜市立横浜サイエンスフロンティア高等学校
Popularity : 9         Updated Date : 2018/04/09
A Yu is a high school student who is regular male. My web site is now in preparation.
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Popularity : 3         Updated Date : 2024/07/07
Popularity : 3         Updated Date : 2017/02/28
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Popularity : 2         Updated Date : 2014/06/20
I am hiteshwar Kumar Azad pursuing my M.Tech from N.I.T.Patna India. I am Interesting in the field semantic web like web mining, Entropy in Information system and Linked data which is actully combination of semantic web and synaptic web at low entropy.
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Popularity : 2         Updated Date : 2014/11/10
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Popularity : 2         Updated Date : 2023/01/18
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Popularity : 1         Updated Date : 2017/01/16
I major in Product Design and I have been studied it for about five years. And in master part, I began to have interested in UI/UX design of applications and websites. I can also do some HTML and CSS works. Thank you.
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Popularity : 0         Updated Date : 2013/05/16
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齋藤 浩一(さいとう・こういち) 株式会社スポーツレジャーシステムズ 関東営業所マネージャー  一社員として、ボウリング得点システム、多数スクリーン連結上映システム、インタラクティブ映像システム等の営業活動を行う。  また、従来からの「機械いじり&PC組み立て」の知識から、修理メンテナンス業務まで行う。  特に映像に特化した制作・演出を得意としており、近年では、インタラクティブシステムと4画面マルチ投影システム等を用いた、様々な環境演出  の提案で高い評価を得ている。他にも全天周投影、360度パノラマ投影、立体映像への造詣も深い。  学生時代から1眼レフ、8mmフィルムカメラからスタートし、カラオケビデオ、企業PRビデオ等、多数の映像制作の経験を持つ。  現在もフィルムを用いたアナログとデジタル機器を使い分けた映像製作を行い、YOUTUBE、ニコニコ動画等、WEB関連へのアプローチも行っている。  また、アマチュア映像を一堂に集めて上映するイベント「シネマ秘宝館」を1996年から主宰し、2014年12月の開催にて61回目を迎える。  このイベントを経て面識を持った、国内外の様々な数百人規模の映像作家との親交は現在も継続中。  また、鉄道関連への造詣も深く、コンサルタント的見地から提案 ...
Popularity : 0         Updated Date : 2015/01/11
Popularity : 0         Updated Date : 2015/02/21
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Popularity : 0         Updated Date : 2015/02/18
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Popularity : 0         Updated Date : 2015/06/09
Popularity : 0         Updated Date : 2015/06/18
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Popularity : 0         Updated Date : 2016/01/18
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SourceKode Technologies holds expertise in providing IT training services to college students and company employees. Situated in Pune , SourceKode provides intense training programs for aspiring jobseeker's and corporate's to help them further learn and enhance their technical skill sets. SourceKode is the best institute for students to develop their programming abilities in different I.T courses. A dedicated team of professional trainer's, with their technical expertise, can help student's get to a point of prowess which cannot be matched by m ...
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Wetech digital is a product development services company with a focus on building ‘scalable’ enterprise and consumer-facing applications with a great User experience. With an expertise in the contemporary web and mobile technologies and the cloud, we have designed and developed software products across domains ranging from Storage, Cybersecurity, Virtualization, FinTech, Healthcare, Education, Logistics, Internet of Things and Smart City Management.
Popularity : 0         Updated Date : 2019/10/11
Web Development Training in Pune at Seven Mentor provides a course for web designer which is the Best UI UX design course in Pune. The provider has the course is divided into two modules (UI and UX).UI module has HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Web development means to create a web application and hosting it on the internet. SevenMentor UI UX Design Course in Pune provides a career opportunity after completing certification. Following job positions can be offered after certification is completed. Web Designer Web Developer and Designer Graphics Desi ...
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Microsoft Office is the most popular and most used software program throughout the world. The programs and services, faculty comprise of Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Access, Microsoft OneDrive, etc. There are various versions of Office suites are available, Office 2019, Office 2016, Office 2013, Office 2010, Office 2007, Office 365 are some of them.
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Hello, I'm Geery Criston , and i am a software engineer presently residing within the USA, and I'm a Microsoft expert and has been running in the technical enterprise considering the fact that 2007. As a technical expert, my pursuits range from era to entrepreneurship.
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I am working in Entrant Technologies. Entrant Technologies is a Leading Sports Betting Software Development Company in India, providing the best Sports Betting game Development Services at affordable prices. We deliver software solutions that meet the customers and business expectations. We offer a wide range of services which include Mobile apps(Android, iPhone) development, web development, game development and digital marketing solutions that cater to the most dynamic of the brand requirements. Our team is fully dedicated to learning and und ...
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Network Operations Center – Definition A network operations center (NOC) houses the equipment and personnel for monitoring a network of computers, servers, mobile devices and Internet of Things devices, aka smart devices from a centralized location. The NOC has the high-functional infrastructure with automatic alerts that notify technicians about the issues across the network. The overall function of a NOC is to maintain the network uptime with smooth & uninterrupted operations.
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MAC address is also known as Media Access Control and it comes pre-equipped in most of the HP Printers. This help us to identifying the device attached to a particular network. The device available on your filter list can only access your network once you enable it. To find out the Hp Printer Mac Address of your device, you have to follow the below steps: • First you have to click on the “Start” button of your device • Open the Quick assist option. • Search the command prompt tab and open it. • After that type the given words without quotation ...
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Personality Development Classes In Pune is a collective pattern of our actions or reactions that differs from situation to situation. It is a process of enhancing one’s characteristics and traits that helps us to build our overall persona
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Visit: BlueMap specialises in providing training and services for the IT community. We provide trainings in the field of IT Infrastructure to professionals around the world. Our training methodology focuses on maintaining the right blend of theory and practical with course material and lab guides carefully designed by our highly experienced trainers preparing professionals for real-world challenges. All courses provided by BlueMap help candidates apply knowledge to practice. Apart from training, we also provide hardware setup and ...
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We are a well-recognized technical support company, having immense years of experience and proficiency for resolving common errors associated to Epson printer. If you are experiencing Epson printer in error state, our printer technicians are highly proficient for resolving this technical error within a few minutes. Our tech-geeks have the technical skills and broad knowledge for solving this technical error completely from the root. Our helpline number is open round the clock to provide quick support or quality assistance.
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Little Brothers Construction, Inc is a licensed Bay Area commercial contractor specializing in Design-Build Projects,Tenant Improvement,Lab Builds,General Construction.We at Little brothers construction provide quality workmanship and provide prices that can't be beat.We also provide Commercial General Contractors Services in San Jose.
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MindFlex Home Tuition is Singapore's #1 Home Tuition Agency. Visit us today at We provide top quality 1 to 1 home tuition for all subjects and levels in Singapore. Our service is 100% free with no agency fees involved. We have arranged successful home tuition for more than 10,000 clients, with fantastic reviews. Our tuition coordinators are friendly and well-trained to provide you the best customer service. Engage our well-qualified and experienced home tutors today!
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