belongs : 一般社団法人リンクデータ, LODチャレンジ実行委員会
Popularity : 1345         Updated Date : 2025/02/10
I hope various data and many people from different community will be linked together in LinkData.
belongs : 旭川工業高等専門学校
Popularity : 122         Updated Date : 2025/02/10
belongs : 合同会社マップクエストソリューションズ
Popularity : 108         Updated Date : 2024/12/22
地図屋やってます。Code for SAITAMAではイベントの運営をしてます。
belongs : Code for SAITAMA
Popularity : 102         Updated Date : 2024/12/22
belongs : 個人
Popularity : 66         Updated Date : 2020/10/03
若くなければcodeは書けないというジンクスに挑むold programmer
belongs :
Popularity : 37         Updated Date : 2025/02/03
belongs : livlog llc.
Popularity : 29         Updated Date : 2025/02/07
belongs : 青森大学ソフトウェア情報学部
Popularity : 21         Updated Date : 2025/02/09
belongs : 株式会社ゼンク、一般社団法人KAI OTSUCHI(岩手県大槌町)
Popularity : 12         Updated Date : 2025/01/12
平成17年2月まで 大手通信キャリア系SIer    -開発部門で人事評価システム、財形システムの基盤方式設計に携わりOSS導入に取り組む。    人事教育部門ではLinux/Solaris等のシステム基盤・C/Java等の言語・Cisco認定CCNA取得コース等、指導教官として研修企画から実施まで手掛ける。    SunMicrosystems認定インストラクタ、CCNA、Solarisアドミニストレータ、電気通信主任技術者、工事担任者、情報処理技術者等々 平成23年12月まで 独立系通信キャリア   -佐賀県自治体県域ネットワーク(基幹系)、県庁内情報ネットワーク(端末系)、住基ネットFireWallの設計監視運用業務受託の総責任者(課長)。社内SE担当の課長としてIP電話交換機サービスオーダ投入Webサービス、社外向けWebサービス(Ruby On Rails)、プロジェクト管理・要求分析・設計・テスト・保守、Webサービス受託案件開発等のサービス企画から管理・運用まで幅広く手掛ける。クラウドサービスシステム開発PMO。    組込システムから大規模システムまで手掛けたが、唯一の弱点ユーザフロント部分のWebUI、スマートフォンUIの技術を身につけるべくデジハリハリウッドで同時 ...
belongs : 国立明石工業高等専門学校
Popularity : 11         Updated Date : 2016/01/21
belongs : RsStudio
Popularity : 11         Updated Date : 2025/02/09
belongs : 横浜市立横浜サイエンスフロンティア高等学校
Popularity : 9         Updated Date : 2018/04/09
A Yu is a high school student who is regular male. My web site is now in preparation.
belongs : 情報科学専門学校
Popularity : 8         Updated Date : 2015/01/24
belongs : BIY UNITED
Popularity : 7         Updated Date : 2016/07/04
belongs : Code for Beppu
Popularity : 5         Updated Date : 2017/02/16
I want to find the "social impact" and "value creation" through action for "open data" and "civic tech" .
Popularity : 5         Updated Date : 2016/01/20
belongs : Clark & Company
Popularity : 5         Updated Date : 2025/01/27
belongs : ユナイテッドシステム
Popularity : 4         Updated Date : 2016/01/31
belongs : ロジックハート (LogicHeart)
Popularity : 3         Updated Date : 2017/01/18
A freelance IT engineer living in Nagoya, Japan. The project name is "LogicHeart".
belongs : OPEN Research&Development
Popularity : 2         Updated Date : 2024/12/24
belongs : 株式会社アスア
Popularity : 2         Updated Date : 2015/04/03
Support the management across strategic alignment by leveraging information technology. Termed the Strategic Alignment Model, is defined in terms of four fundamental domains of strategic choice: business strategy, information technology strategy, organizational infrastructure and processes, and information technology infrastructure and processes. ASUA Corporation. Functional Manager QUALIAS. Senior Partner
Popularity : 2         Updated Date : 2025/02/04
Popularity : 2         Updated Date : 2016/01/06
Popularity : 1         Updated Date : 2016/03/05
belongs : 岐阜県白川町 地域振興係 まちシステムエンジニア
Popularity : 1         Updated Date : 2025/01/25
岐阜県白川町で活動しています。 オープンデータ導入・定着を目指します。
belongs :
Popularity : 1         Updated Date : 2016/03/05
20年以上のシステム開発経験があります。主にJavaによる開発を多く経験しています。最近ではApp InventorによるAndroidアプリ開発の講師もしています。 よろしくお願いいたします。
belongs : 個人
Popularity : 1         Updated Date : 2025/02/09
belongs : 社会人
Popularity : 1         Updated Date : 2018/01/15
belongs : Self
Popularity : 1         Updated Date : 2021/06/27
belongs : 一般
Popularity : 0         Updated Date : 2014/11/13
Popularity : 0         Updated Date : 2015/03/31
Popularity : 0         Updated Date : 2015/08/06
Popularity : 0         Updated Date : 2015/12/16
belongs : Itnav Ishinomaki
Popularity : 0         Updated Date : 2015/12/22
Popularity : 0         Updated Date : 2016/03/08
belongs :
Popularity : 0         Updated Date : 2016/04/02
Like to work in researches on data and its linking.
belongs : マッシュ&ルーム
Popularity : 0         Updated Date : 2025/01/18
Popularity : 0         Updated Date : 2019/09/03
Fusion Technology Solutions is Best Training Institute in Pune which brings to you one of the most deemed after courses in modern tech field – Java training.
Popularity : 0         Updated Date : 2019/10/11
Web Development Training in Pune at Seven Mentor provides a course for web designer which is the Best UI UX design course in Pune. The provider has the course is divided into two modules (UI and UX).UI module has HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Web development means to create a web application and hosting it on the internet. SevenMentor UI UX Design Course in Pune provides a career opportunity after completing certification. Following job positions can be offered after certification is completed. Web Designer Web Developer and Designer Graphics Desi ...
Popularity : 0         Updated Date : 2020/06/20
I am James Wick working as an academic writer in I have 6-year industry experience in Java in which I had managed various projects based on the programming language. By working on different projects, I come to know how to tackle the complexity of Java language, how to create a working program for desired results, and what are the basic mistakes which usually we have done while writing a computer program. In, I am providing remarkable Java Assignment Help services to students who can’t manage thei ...
Popularity : 0         Updated Date : 2020/06/22
All of the devices we checked were competent. They are among the best ones available in the US. Besides, none of them really made us unhappy. But what if you asked us which was the first among equals?
Popularity : 0         Updated Date : 2020/08/05
We ACTE Training institute in Indian offers best software training by Class Room & Online and placement in evergreen technologies like Java, Oracle, SAP, Database Developer, DBA, BI & Data Warehousing, Web Designing, Software Testing, Microsoft, Oracle Applications, Mobile Applications, AWS, Cloud Computing, IBM and etc.. We limit the batch size to provide very good interaction with each and everyone. Upgraded Technologies with Lap Support. https://www.acte ...
Popularity : 0         Updated Date : 2020/08/31
AngularJS is a JavaScript-based open-source front-end web framework mainly maintained by Google and by a community of individuals and corporations to address many of the challenges encountered in developing single-page applications. It aims to simplify both the development and the testing of such applications by providing a framework for client-side model–view–controller (MVC) and model–view–viewmodel(MVVM) architectures, along with components commonly used in rich Internet applications.
Popularity : 0         Updated Date : 2020/09/21 Contact - 8237077325
belongs : java training in chennai
Popularity : 0         Updated Date : 2020/09/24
Java is a class-based, object-oriented programming language that is designed to have as few implementation dependencies as possible It is a general-purpose programming language intended to let application developers write once, run anywhere (WORA), meaning that compiled Java code can run on all platforms that support Java without the need for recompilation. Java applications are typically compiled to bytecode that can run on any Java virtual machine (JV ...
belongs : web Dveloper community
Popularity : 0         Updated Date : 2020/10/02
Microsoft Office is an assortment of computer programs especially used for business, study, or office purposes. Launched in 1990, Office software is made by the Microsoft Corporation. With MS Office you can simplify basic office tasks and improve work productivity. Each application is designed to handle particular tasks, for example, word processing, data management, making presentations, and organizing emails. Microsoft has cultivated numerous versions of Office that can be supported by several operating systems, including Windows, Linux, Andr ...
Popularity : 0         Updated Date : 2020/10/12
AngularJS is the top most JavaScript framework developed by Google Engineers. It comes with many features and useful capabilities. A developer can use HTML for adding and creating novel functionalities. Build your very first application with wonderful features through AngularJS course in Chennai. Specialists teach you everything about web development within a minimal duration. Enroll here to get a wonderful future.
Popularity : 0         Updated Date : 2020/10/13
Some of the major topics that we cover as a part of our PHP training courses are web technology, fundamentals of Java, MySQL training, object oriented programming, etc. And added to these you will of-course be learning in-depth about the fundamental aspects and industry applications of PHP. Fusion Technology Solutions caters to anyone who has the right learning approach and a yearning for making it in the bludgeoning IT industry.
Popularity : 0         Updated Date : 2020/10/13
Are you looking for Assignment Help? Are you not able to choose the best experts? GotoAssignmenthelp is one of the most famous Assignment providers in the world. We provide Javascript Assignment Help to students in all subjects. Our online assignment makers provide quality assignment writing services but should be an option for all students. Which is why we are pleased to provide you with Custom Coursework Help.
Popularity : 0         Updated Date : 2020/11/16
Full-stack is a technology development that refers to the entire computer system or application from the front end to the back end. Full Stack Web Development Technologies is a combination of Front-end web development and Backend web development process.If you want to become a professional web developer, then join Full Stack Developer Course Online with the support of experts to achieve your career at a higher level.By taking the Full Stack Online Course at SkillsIon, you will become an expert in advanced technologies, back-end, and JavaScript ...
Popularity : 0         Updated Date : 2021/02/12
Popularity : 0         Updated Date : 2021/04/28
I am an expert in custom software development having more than 8 years of experience. My expertise in digital marketing and mobile app development.
Popularity : 0         Updated Date : 2021/04/30
belongs : united states
Popularity : 0         Updated Date : 2021/05/09
I'm a web developer. I spend my whole day, practically every day, experimenting with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript; dabbling with Python and Ruby; and inhaling a wide variety of potentially useless information through a few hundred RSS feeds. I build websites that delight and inform. I do it well.
Popularity : 0         Updated Date : 2021/06/25
TechnoBridge Systems offers the Full Stack Developer Course with placement assistance in Pune. Our Full Stack Developer Course is structured according to the requirements of the IT industry and covers required programming, scripting languages & Databases such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Node Js, Angular JS, Databases and Java comprehensively. Our Trainee learns languages and technologies from our industry experts who have more than 10 years of experience in field of Software development. Online Full Stack Developer Course Program by TechnoBridge ...
Popularity : 0         Updated Date : 2021/08/16
Java Classes in Pune offer by 3RI Technologies a classroom and online training with 100% placement assistance.
Popularity : 0         Updated Date : 2021/10/05
My name is William Asbury and I am Fashion Blogger, i visited different sites for my research but last week I visited Java Sok who provide business labels for their customers online, they also provide coupon codes for the discount offers and different coupons code.
Popularity : 0         Updated Date : 2021/11/11
A full-stack developer should foster a web application freely utilizing a comparable heap of innovations at various layers of programming improvement. The most widely recognized heaps of innovations utilized by full-stack designers are ordinarily founded on JavaScript like AngularJS developer, Node.JS, MongoDB, Express JS, and others. A full stack designer is an expert with extraordinary information on frontend and backend advances. Front-end designers assemble codes (utilizing HTML, CSS and JavaScript) that deals with the appearance and intell ...
belongs :
Popularity : 0         Updated Date : 2021/12/17
Naveen Khanna is the CEO of Ebizneeds, a company renowned for its bespoke mobile app development and web development in ecommerce app development and fintech development. Our team is lean and innovative, perfect for working with creative startups with a blue ocean strategy, aiming to create new products and services. Even If you are an established firm, our professional processes will ensure your project is carried out to the highest standards.
belongs :
Popularity : 0         Updated Date : 2022/02/22
Amit Agrawal Founder and COO at Cyber Infrastructure INC which is an IT services provider such as custom application development, mobile application development, creative web design, Microsoft solutions, SAP solutions, open-source development, Java development, Oracle development, big data solutions, digital experience solutions, CAD/CAM architectural services, testing automation, infrastructure automation and cloud, digital marketing,etc.
belongs : Institute
Popularity : 0         Updated Date : 2022/01/17
APTRON is the best IT Software Training Institute in Noida offers training for computer science, CS/IT, Mechanical, Civil, Electronics, Electrical, MCA, BCA Students on Python, Data Science, Machine Learning, AI, Java, Oracle, PHP, Cloud Computing, Mobile App Development, Software Testing, Ethical Hacking, ERP, SAS, Embedded Systems, Industrial Automation, Hadoop, SAP etc. We provide 100% placement and Jobs after the schedule period.
Popularity : 0         Updated Date : 2022/02/01
ASP.NET is a development framework that is used for building web pages and web sites using HTML, CSS, JavaScript and server scripting. This domain gives an in-depth idea and working knowledge of how the web pages operate.We come here to assist you, how you can pick your career in ASP NET From ASP.NET Training in Delhi.
belongs :
Popularity : 0         Updated Date : 2022/03/26
java homework help is a worldwide website that provides the best java programming assignment help to the students in a short time, although in today's era many websites do online homework help for the students we have a team of very trustworthy experts who can help you with the right Is adept at leading the right assignments on time
belongs :
Popularity : 0         Updated Date : 2023/05/03
A software and website design company in AGRA, Mainpuri, Mathura, Firozabad, Etah, and Shahjahanpur, Uttar Pradesh is KD SOFTWARE (India). Based on platforms and technologies like. Net, PHP, HTML, JavaScript, and CSS and in accordance with market demands, KD SOFTWARE created customised software. Our Team KD SOFTWARE's developers have experience building intricate, large-scale websites with a variety of design concepts. Among the many services offered by KD SOFTWARE is website designing and development. Bulk SMS/SEO/Digital Marketing, PHP Progra ...
Popularity : 0         Updated Date : 2022/03/26
Java Interview questions require specialist knowledge of the field. Whether you need a Software Engineer, Project Manager, or Architect, there are many misconceptions about the role and we've highlighted a few of these to help you prepare for your next interview.
Popularity : 0         Updated Date : 2022/04/11 IntelliMindz is the best IT Training in Bangalore with placement, offering 200 and more software courses with 100% Placement Assistance. ...
Popularity : 0         Updated Date : 2022/04/20
JAVA Classes in Pune JAVA Course in Pune JAVA Training in Pune As a programmer, you must take challenges to continue to exist and construct some wonders in the improvement or programming field. Hence, if you are in search of to examine an superior programming language to beautify your profession skills, Java is one of the exceptional potentialities around. To boost skills, you ought to continuously enhance your strategies. In current times, Java has end up one of the most famous languages for developers. From the net to Windows, Java has its un ...
belongs : Hire React Native Developers India | India App Developer
Popularity : 0         Updated Date : 2022/05/23
Top-notch React native app development is not impossible if you hire Dedicated React Native Developers India. At India App developer, you can experience a seamless react native app development process without compromising with quality. If you decide to Hire React Native Developers India, you are going one step closer to the robustness of Facebook and ease of JavaScript. Now, app developers India prefer React Native for development process starting from ideation to maintenance. Services we offer: Process to convert your idea into a successful pr ...
Popularity : 0         Updated Date : 2022/06/06
Hi, I am Cynthia Jones, a software developer with over two years of professional experience in the IT industry . I am from USA.
Popularity : 0         Updated Date : 2023/10/03
Are you ready to unlock your creativity journey towards a successful career in web design? Look no further than the Web Designing Course Ahmedabad offered by Arena Animation Ahmedabad. This comprehensive course is designed to equip you with the skills and knowledge needed to create stunning and user-friendly websites that leave a lasting impression. Whether you are a beginner or have some experience in the field, our expert instructors will guide you through the intricacies of web design, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and responsive design. ...
Popularity : 0         Updated Date : 2023/04/07
CodeShip Technologies delivers I.T and Software Development related training services to school/college students and corporate employees across India. CodeShip has well designed training program for Job Seekers, Students and Industry Professionals aspiring to b software developers. In this process a team of devoted professional trainers, will help students to learn software development from the scratch and how to master any software language.
Popularity : 0         Updated Date : 2023/07/10
IT Education Centre provide hands-on training with real-world projects on angular classes to Students complete employment assistance after completing the programme with affiliated businesses. Within one month of the training and project's conclusion, placements are found for AngularJS. The finest Angular class in Pune, IT Education Center, offers the best Angular training in Pune.
Popularity : 0         Updated Date : 2023/07/24
The most widely used software development platform in the IT sector is the Java platform. The certification of Java is highly valued by numerous government agencies and businesses who carry out and manage government projects. Java provides the business with reassurance that the job candidate has a certain level of java competence and understanding. After successfully finishing the Java Training in Pune, the student will receive a certificate from the IT Education Center, which is recognised as a testament to the extensive knowledge and practica ...
Popularity : 0         Updated Date : 2024/11/12
Fusion Technology Solutions is one of the Best Skill Development Training Institute. We are a training institute wherein we provide all courses under one roof, we provide courses on below industry sector. Healthcare/Medical – Clinical Research Courses, Medical Coding Courses, Pharmacovigilance Course Aviation – Cabin Crew Course, Ground Staff Course IT – PHP Course, JAVA Course, Full Stack Development Course, etc. Research – Market Research Course, Data Science Course Marketing – Digital Marketing Course
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